Ok, I think you were looking for this information that's why you landed on this site. But I wasn't allowed to mention it in my ezine article because they prohibit promoting products. So, the product I was talking about is Driclor. It worked like magic. The next day my underarms were so dry I was very ecstatic.
Tips & Warning
Make sure your underarms are clean and dry before you apply Driclor. You may feel a little burning and itchiness so don't use if you have just shaved your underarms. The best time to use it is before going to bed so the solution will work overnight.
If your underarms get dry the next day you may not need to use it again until they start getting wet again maybe 3-5 days. Now I only use it twice a month, sometimes once.
Further more if you want to achieve a lifetime result check out StopUnderamSweatingForLifeNow.com.
Tips & Warning
Make sure your underarms are clean and dry before you apply Driclor. You may feel a little burning and itchiness so don't use if you have just shaved your underarms. The best time to use it is before going to bed so the solution will work overnight.
If your underarms get dry the next day you may not need to use it again until they start getting wet again maybe 3-5 days. Now I only use it twice a month, sometimes once.
Further more if you want to achieve a lifetime result check out StopUnderamSweatingForLifeNow.com.
If you have friends who may be suffering wet underarms then you can share this site to them. Just click on the share button bellow.
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